Sunday, January 31, 2010

Salty taste in my mouth.?


My mouth has been salty recently I don't know why.

I take these medications, do any of them have that certain effect?

. Estradiol

. Levothyroxine

. Lipitor

. Hydrochlorothiazide


.Boniva (generic)




well check the possible side effects of your meds and chew some gum that could help with the taste

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How can one naturally lower their cholesterol?


I've changed my diet to include more veggies, fruits and fish (salmon, flounder and tuna). I walk 7 days a week for about 30 to 40 minutes. I've started aerobics recently and plan to include running one to two days a week. I have lots of fiber in my diet (beans, nuts, whole wheat breads, oatmeal, prunes etc.). I have never been overweight, never drink or smoke. However, hypertension runs in my family so I am taking 10mg of lisinopril. Kidney disease also runs in the family. So my questions is if I decide to take Lipitor and lisinopril together won't that harm my kidneys? My last total reading was 250 although that number fluctuates when I get blood tests done by my cardiologist. My HDL is always excellent. Just trying to stay alive.


With all the lifestyle changes you are making, I think your cholesterol will go down. Remember that you have family history for the diseases mentioned, that's why I think your normal cholesterol levels are a bit higher than for other people.

Since your HDL is excellent, the only thing I wish to you is: Hoping you'll never give up!

Good luck! Source(s): brings latest info about lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Is taking Melatonin for sleep safe?


Meds I take are for high BP and lipitor,gabapinton,I am weening myself OFF the xanax for sleep and I want to know if after Im off the xanax will it be safe to take Melatonin for sleep.? Thank you again for your time.


I'd consult your doctor to be sure, but since our bodies naturally make melotonin, I'm sure taking a LITTLE more wouldn't hurt.

Do you need to take Co-Enzyme Q10 supplements if on Statin Drugs- eg, Lipitor?



You can if you want.

It is known that statins deplete the enzyme. However, no clinical study has shown any benefit to it.

Sounds strange, but the patients that took the supplement did no better than those who did.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can taking Plavix medicine ?


be the cause of rectal bleeding, I am freaking out, my Father had a heart attack on May 2009 of last year. He is taking Plavix 75mg - Metoprolol 50mg - Lipitor 80mg - Benzepril Hcl 40mg (mylan)#30

and he never had any hemorrhoid problem before.

he keeps assuring me if bleeding gets worst then we go to hospital

need help and advise



Plavix is a blood thinner that increases the risk of bleeding and inhibits the bodies ability to clot blood. Plavix is not the direct cause of the rectal bleeding, but it certainly is involved. The rectal bleeding could be from hemorrhoids or other causes of lower GI bleeding. Never stop a medication like Plavix without discussing it with the doctor. Plavix can be discontinued temporarily until the bleeding is controlled depending on his indication for Plavix. If your father had a heart attack but no stent placement in the arteries around the heart, then stopping Plavix temporarily is not a problem. If he has a stent in his artery, then it depends on the type of stent and how long it has been there. Stopping Plavix too early could lead to the formation of clot in the stent and life threatening heart attack. I mention this as a reason of why you should not stop a medication like Plavix without discussing it with his doctors. Go to the hospital, determine the cause of bleeding and try to control it. There are risks and benefits with every medication. There are many benefits from Plavix, but there is a risk of problems such as bleeding. Source(s): Physician

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What if I accidentally took 80 mg of Lipitor instead of 40 mg?



The same thing as if you took it on purpose.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Question involving bringing prescription medicine over border from Canada to United States?


So our politics professor was talking about this in class, but I kind of got confused and after class he didn't help in his explanation, so I thought I'd ask the geniuses here. :-)

So Person A, who is a physician him or herself, normally orders prescription medicine (such as Lipitor) from the US, but does something different for a change. He asks another physician he or she knows, who lives in Canada, and asks him or her to write the prescription for him to a Canadian pharmacy. Person A then has a relative or friend who lives in Canada bring the prescription from the pharmacy to him in the United States. Was any crime committed? Is any person at risk of facing legal trouble? If so, please help me understand how. Thanks


I wouldn't think so. as long as the medicine is legal in America,

Friday, January 8, 2010

For those who take or have taken the cholesterol drug, Lipitor?


Have you experienced any problems from the drug? Notably, muscle pain?

Thank you.


Yes- and cramps! I take it, but give myself breaks from it and I also find sometimes I have trouble sleeping on it too!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Regarding Lipitor pills, are they big (as in hard to swallow?)?



No. Most people have no difficulty in swallowing Lipitor pills. Source(s): Physician.