Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How can one naturally lower their cholesterol?


I've changed my diet to include more veggies, fruits and fish (salmon, flounder and tuna). I walk 7 days a week for about 30 to 40 minutes. I've started aerobics recently and plan to include running one to two days a week. I have lots of fiber in my diet (beans, nuts, whole wheat breads, oatmeal, prunes etc.). I have never been overweight, never drink or smoke. However, hypertension runs in my family so I am taking 10mg of lisinopril. Kidney disease also runs in the family. So my questions is if I decide to take Lipitor and lisinopril together won't that harm my kidneys? My last total reading was 250 although that number fluctuates when I get blood tests done by my cardiologist. My HDL is always excellent. Just trying to stay alive.


With all the lifestyle changes you are making, I think your cholesterol will go down. Remember that you have family history for the diseases mentioned, that's why I think your normal cholesterol levels are a bit higher than for other people.

Since your HDL is excellent, the only thing I wish to you is: Hoping you'll never give up!

Good luck! Source(s): http://www.cholesterol-hdl-ldl.com/ brings latest info about lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

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