Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What are the normal amounts of Chol, sodium, and sugars per day to lower your risks?


I have high cholesterol and want to take steps to lower that. So I want to know the limits. I am taking lipitor, got rid of butter, mayo, switched to olive oil etc. Need some hints. I am not going cold turkey but trying to do a little more each week.


I inherit high cholesterol from my dad...so i take a statin also....but I eat veggies galore, whole grains like multigrain breads ...cereals.....alot of fruit...walnuts ,almonds pistachios all lower your cholesterol and raise Your hdl,which is good cholesterol.red meats will raise your ldl...bad cholesterol.so swithch to boneless and skinless chicken breasts....salmon......Bocca burgers are great.there are margerines smart balance that tase like butter......mayo made with olive oil is good....read your labels.....soy is very good...there is an ice cream that has no dairy in it its called So Delicious...mocha fudge .Its less calories then real ice cream and tastes better then real ice cream..there's alot out here to eat that is good for your problem .Also exercise like walking also lowers it.quit smoking...after all this a heart disease so try some of these things and good luck to you Source(s): tried it all..also to answer your question 300 mgs of cholesterol a day ...but dont eat that much as your liver produces a whole bunch when you sleep. try sea salt

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