Monday, December 28, 2009

Why are so many medical doctors so uneducated about how important a healthy lifestyle is?


I literally changed my views 180 degrees, almost, in the last few years. I never really thought about food and just took things like Lipitor to "stay healthy". Then I met this diet / fitness trainer who helped me get in great shape and i've never felt better before and I have a good diet and don't take any medication anymore at all.

but so many doctors never advise things like that. They just put you on antibiotics for a simple cold, for example and then don't even advise to take probiotics after that. So they kill your intestinal bacteria including the good ones and don't care about rebuilding them.

it's so ignorant.

Your body is made out of what you eat you know.


Hey Austrian, In the US they prescribe antibiotics to 20 million people a year for viral infections When they know it does nothing for viral infections. NU TING!!! How are we suppose to trust someone like this. We have no voice! and it ticks me off to no end when they try to cover up things here and debunk everything we say like they're gods and then congratulate one another, like a bunch of blood sucking bats.

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